How To Make Brandy: A Guide For Distilled Wine

Acquire Step-By-Step How To Make Brandy From Your Ain Homemade Vino

Final Updated on June ten, 2022

In this post, we are going to walk you through how to brand your own Brandy  from fermenting your initial wine, to distilling information technology into an actual Brandy and and then aging it using oak spirals or barrels. Learning to make a great Brandy is both an fine art and a science so exist sure to pay close attention equally you read through this guide. The best skill to focus on from the kickoff is attending to detail.

If vodka or gin is more your speed, check out our guides on how to brand vodka and how to make gin. For this distilling guide, we'll be recommending supplies that you can easily find and order through our shop on

Let'south get started!

***Before we go started. Information technology is illegal to dribble spirits at dwelling house. This guide is meant as a hypothetical walk-through. Mile Hi Distilling doesn't condone any illegal or illicit behavior and cannot be held responsible for the deportment taken by any individuals not acting within the parameters of the constabulary.***

Scan By Step. Click on whatever of these links to spring to the footstep you want to see:

A Short Background on The History of Brandy
Base Brandy Ingredients and Materials
Choosing The Fruit For Your Brandy
How to Make Brandy: Homemade Wine Recipe
Fermenting Your Brandy Wash
Distilling Your Homemade Wine
Collecting Your Distillate
Aging Your Brandy

Nosotros urge you to prepare all of the items nosotros'll describe in accelerate to avoid whatever difficulties forth the route.

To clarify things, this guide will comprehend two procedures: making wine and and then further distilling it to make your Brandy.

A Short Groundwork on The History of Brandy

The proper name 'brandy' the shortened form of 'brandywine', comes from the Dutch 'brandewijn' or "burnt wine." Burnt refers to the heating done while distilling. The distillation of brandy on a commercial level originated in the 16th century.

Initially, brandy came about because sea merchants figured out that distilling vino was a preservation method and made information technology easier to ship during long voyages. The wine was also originally distilled to lower the volume as a way to lessen the load of the send and avoid imposed taxes. The sea merchant's original intent was to add together the h2o removed by distilling, dorsum into the wine before drinking. They also discovered that afterwards storing the wine in wooden casks, the aged spirit had improved over the original distilled wine.

After its accidental cosmos, brandy skyrocketed in popularity in countries like France, Republic of peru, Spain, Hungary, and Federal republic of germany.  As the taste for brandy spread across Europe, information technology became a favorite spirit in America as well. Distillers would accept advantage of local fruits like apples, peaches, and grapes to make their ain versions.

The history of brandy is one that has spanned many centuries and can be seen as playing an essential role in the ascent to the popularity of a number of other distilled spirits around the world. Gin, rum, and whiskey all owe their origins back to the booming trade of brandy.

Check out this cracking video from our friends at Barley and Hops Brewing detailing How Peach Brandy is made .  Check information technology out below!

Base Brandy Ingredients and Materials:

  • iii quarts of your choice of seasonal fruits: apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries, grapes, pears, peaches, plums, and more than.
  • 6 cups of common cold h2o
  • 4 pounds of carbohydrate
  • half dozen teaspoons of Red Star Wine Yeast
  • Mash Pot
  • Long Spoon
  • Fermentation Bucket
  • Hydrometer
  • pH Meter (Avant-garde)
  • Siphon
  • Cheese Cloth or Strainer (whichever you prefer)
  • Citric Acid
  • Moonshine All the same
  • Rut Source
  • Cleaning Products
  • Column Packing
  • Thermometer
  • Glass Containers (Mason Jars piece of work perfectly)
  • Oak Spirals, Chips, or Oak Barrels for aging
  • Wine bottles or glass jars for storing your newly distilled Brandy

Getting Started:
Choosing The Fruit For Your Brandy

The near common fruits used for brandy are grapes, apples, apricots, and pears. Other fruits can be used as well, such as peaches, plums, or cherries. You can also use berries, only you'll near likely demand to add sugar to your mix, every bit berries tend to non have the same corporeality of sugar as other fruits.

Seasonal Fruits

One important rule to remember is that yous should e'er use fruits that are in season for your Brandy. The reasons for this are pretty unproblematic. If you lot're using a fruit that is in season, at that place'due south nearly likely an glut of it, so you can buy every bit much as you lot want and need for a much cheaper price than out-of-season fruits. Also, if the fruit is in-season, you can pretty much guarantee that it will exist at its peak gustatory modality considering it was cultivated and picked just at just the right time.

Out-of-flavor fruits might have been picked also early on or as well late, which can lead to an inferior taste in your last product.

Brandy Recipe Ingredients

How to Make Brandy: Homemade Vino Recipe

The adjacent step in the procedure is to make your homemade wine. This is what you'll be distilling to brand your Brandy.

A very important step in making the wine for your Brandy is to first sanitize all of your equipment. This includes your fermentation bucket, spoon, strainer, and any other utensils that volition come up into contact with the wine. You can practice this by either boiling them for 10 minutes or using a sanitizer such as Star San.

Water and Sugar Quantity

The second dominion is that for every 3 quarts of fruit you lot apply, y'all'll need 4 pounds of sugar and 6 cups of water. Y'all can make adjustments to these quantities depending on how sweetness or dry out you lot want your Brandy to be, merely nosotros recommend sticking to these amounts equally a starting point.

Yeast Selection

Now that we've gone over the basics of what ingredients you'll need, let's talk well-nigh yeast selection. For this process, you'll need either agile dry yeast or wine yeast. We recommend using Carmine Star wine yeast.

Information technology's a loftier-quality yeast that will produce consistent results every time.

Mash Pot

The next detail on our list is a mash pot. This is a large pot that you'll employ to cook down your fruit and sugar mixture. Information technology should be at least iv gallons in size so that you take plenty of room to piece of work with.

Long Spoon

Yous'll need a long spoon to stir your mash while it'southward cooking. This will help to release the natural sugars from the fruit and forestall the mixture from called-for.

Fermentation Bucket

Afterward your mash has cooled, y'all'll transfer it into a fermentation bucket. This is a food-grade container that is specifically designed for fermenting vino and beer. Information technology should be at to the lowest degree 6 gallons in size so that you lot have plenty of headspace for the fermentation process.

Cheesecloth or Strainer

In one case your brew has cooled, you lot'll need to strain out the solids and so that merely the liquid is left. You lot tin can do this with a cheesecloth or strainer. We recommend using a cheesecloth because it's easier to work with and gives y'all a clearer final product.

fermentation bucket

Bootleg Vino Mash Procedure

  1. Wash your chosen fruits thoroughly. Remove whatever dust or debris that may accept clung to them before the fermentation procedure. You want to go to a higher place and beyond in gild to ensure that no dirt or bacteria are introduced into your homemade vino/brandy. Later washing, dry them using a textile.
  2. Slice your fruits and remove any seeds or pits before the mashing step. We recommend slicing your fruit equally small as y'all'd like to brand the mashing procedure easier. For case, apples or pears should be cut into small cubes, while slicing grapes or cherries in half should be plenty.
  3. Add your sliced-up fruit to your mash pot and begin mashing the fruit to release the juices. This tin can exist washed by manus or with a motorcar.
  4. Stir your yeast into warm water. Make certain the solution is completely dissolved earlier adding information technology to your fruit mash since you don't want clumps or disrupting the part of the yeast during the fermentation stage.
  5. Combine your yeast/h2o mix to the mashed fruit in your mash pot. Stir in half dozen cups of cold h2o as well. Aerate the mixture past dumping it back and forth between your mash pot and your fermentation saucepan for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the mixture into your fermentation bucket.We carry consummate kits for these besides as the materials to produce your own. Information technology is important to take the bucket, cap, and air-lock. A spigot also makes for easier pouring.

Fermenting Your Brandy Brew


  • Hydrometer
  • pH Meter (Advanced)
  • Siphon
  • Cheese Cloth
  • Citric Acid


Store the mash to ferment for iii-iv weeks at room temperature. If the temperature drops too depression, the fermentation will come to a halt since the yeast go dormant.

For best results, utilise a hydrometer and cheque specific gravity at the start of fermentation and when fermentation is consummate to ensure that all sugars accept been used. This will tell you how strong your fermentation was by ABV (Booze By Volume). Be sure to write downwardly the specific gravity reading at the start of fermentation and at the end of fermentation. Employ the formula to tell you how much alcohol was produced. See our how to apply hydrometer guide if y'all need aid with this pace.


After 3-four weeks of waiting, your homemade vino is fix to be strained. Siphon mash h2o out of the mixture, taking care to leave behind all solid material and sediment, and into a container to arrange pH. Straining your mash water through a cheesecloth is recommended at this step. Leaving solid material in your brew water can crusade headaches you lot'd rather avert.

(Advanced) Some distillers will add together 2tsp of gypsum to their mash water at this point. They then test the pH of their mash water. The platonic pH is 5.8 to 6.0. Apply citric acid to bring the pH downwardly and calcium carbonate to bring it up.

How To Make Brandy From Homemade Wine: Distilling

Once you have completed the fermentation process, it is time to distill your mash. This will turn your wine into brandy. The primal to a expert brandy is in the distilling process.

The best mode to become an excellent distiller is to practice. We recommend taking notes throughout the process in order to improve with each batch. We've got everything you need if you demand equipment or supplies.

From the bones copper stills to stainless reflux units and the exceptional Grainfather Brewing Organisation, we provide it all at our store. Loftier-quality grains, also as a replacement carbon filter, and whatever other supplies you'll need are also available.


  • Moonshine However
  • Fermented and Strained Homemade Wine
  • Cleaning Products
  • Column Packing

Bully job!  So far you've come along mode and done all of the work necessary to actuallyproduce your fermented rum launder.  That rum launder currently contains some undesirable contents that you'll need to separate out and dispose of.  This is where the distillation footstep of making your own rum comes in.  This procedure of distilling the fermented rum wash volition make for a purer and more than concentrated spirit.  This step separates out all of the undesirable types alcohols such as acetaldehyde, acetone and methanol (which tin can cause incomprehension if consumed).

Prepping Your Even so

Maintaining a solid grasp on your even so'southward preparation is critical. It's best to clean your still before transferring the brew h2o, fifty-fifty if you cleaned it after your previous run and allowed information technology to balance for a while. This is especially the case on copper stills that are showing a salt buildup.

If yous add packing to your cavalcade, this is the fourth dimension. Pack your column with the amount of copper packing that is required for your system.

If your setup has a condenser, hook up your h2o input and output.

Check out the video below or by clicking hither: https://world wide

Finally, it'southward fourth dimension to add together your mash water to the nevertheless. You'll need to use a cheesecloth or an motorcar-siphon to transfer the mash water without including solid material into your still.  The goal is to reduce the sediment in your mash water as much every bit possible.

Running Your Still

Now for the part, you've been waiting for! Plough on your still and begin heating the mash h2o.

Distillation is a fantastic technique. If you're not familiar with the science, here's the short and sweet explanation. Distillation is the practice of separating substances based on their different evaporation temperatures.

It is not the creation of booze that occurs during the distilling stage, but rather the removal of all other items from your brew water. During fermentation, y'all produced all of the booze (well, the yeast did).

Slowly bring your temperature upward to 150 °F. In one case yous achieve 150 °F, if your setup has a condenser turn on the condensing water.

Adjacent, dial-upward your rut source to high until your still starts producing. Time your drips as they speed up until you reach iii to five drips per 2nd. Once you reach this rate, dial down your heat to maintain it (usually the "medium" setting).

Collecting Your Homemade Wine Distillate

The about pleasurable aspect of the whole process is collecting your homebrew wine distillate. This phase is a blend of fine art and science, and it requires a skilled distiller to get it right. If you lot're a showtime-time distiller, don't exist discouraged. Everything requires practice, and after running a few batches with your still, you'll be able to accommodate things by taking notes and making adjustments.

how to make brandy distilling

Collecting Foreshots

The first 5% or so of your mash water is comprised of the foreshots. These should never be consumed because they contain the earliest-evaporating alcohols in your mash water. Foreshots can incorporate methanol and should never e'er be consumed. Every bit well as causing a variety of issues, methanol might cause vision loss. Keep the foreshots in their ain container and dispose of them properly.

Collecting Heads

The next approximately 30% of your production are considered the heads. The heads also contain volatile alcohols like the foreshots. Yet, the consequences are rather less severe – a massive headache, for example.

The heads volition have a distinct "solvent" odor, for case acetone, due to the presence of alcohols. Collect your heads in their own containers and discard them as y'all would any other headshot.

Collecting Hearts

This is the skilful stuff, by and large ethanol. The hearts brand up the adjacent approximately xxx% of your production. At this bespeak you should starting time losing the harsh, solvent smell present during the heads. Once y'all've smelled and seen the droplets, y'all'll exist able to tell the departure. At that place will be a olfactory property that is reminiscent of most brandy: fragrant with a recognizable sweetness aroma.

The drops are a dark dark-brown color and have the scent of brandy. The most telling attribute is that almost all of the wine's original colour has been lost. Hearts volition contain at least 35% booze past volume.

Collecting Tails

You'll hitting the tails as you accomplish the cease of ethanol and enter the conclusion phase of your product. The tails will be approximately the last 35% of your output. The tails, unlike the hearts, will have a distinctly bitter flavor.

As the sugariness drops dramatically, you'll discover a greasy peak layer on your product. It will begin to feel glace between your fingers. This is due to water, carbohydrates, and proteins present. Yous can ready your tails aside for afterward distillation or toss them.

You've hit the end of your production! All that'south left is to shut down your all the same and enjoy your brandy.

How to age brandy

Aging Your Brandy


  • Oak Spirals, Fries, or Oak Barrels

At present that you've distilled your brandy, information technology's time to historic period information technology in oak containers. This will help to develop its flavor and character. How long you historic period your brandy is upwards to you, but most people recommend crumbling it for a year or more.

The longer y'all age your brandy, the smoother and mellower it will become. When professionals store brandy in oak barrels, they typically obtain excellent outcomes, ensuring that information technology is infused with all of the oak wood. Brandy aged and infused in oak is just divine!


Yous made information technology, well done! We hope you lot fabricated a knockout batch of Brandy. Now that you know how to make brandy , it's time to enjoy your hard work! As well, be sure to thoroughly clean your entire setup. Let your equipment to dry thoroughly and store it in a absurd, dry out place.

Thanks for visiting Mile Hullo Distilling and don't forget to cheque out our shop should you need any supplies or moonshine ingredients. You lot have now successfully learned how to make brandy  from your own homemade vino recipe!

If you enjoyed this guide on how to make moonshine, bank check out our other guides on how to make gin and how to brand vodka.

How To Make Brandy Conclusion

How does your home-distilled brandy compare to store-bought? Share your thoughts and let us know what you idea of this guide by leaving a annotate or a star rating beneath.