How To Add The Analysis ToolPak  in Excel
[StridebyPace Guide]

Written by co-founder Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Function Specialist.

The Analysis ToolPak is ane of Excel's most beloved 'Application Add-ins'.

And for a expert reason! This add-in, with its financial, statistical, and engineering data analysis tools, can save y'all a great deal of fourth dimension.

All yous have to do is elementary: provide the data and parameters and let the appropriate tools practice the work. Y'all'll then have your results in an output table (and sometimes, in charts).

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

But before you lot can use its tools, you'll take to load information technology first. (Don't worry, it's super easy! 😊)

Let's look first at the different tools the Analysis ToolPak provides and we'll and so spring into how to load the add-in.

*This tutorial is for Excel 2019/Microsoft 365 (for Windows). Got a different version? No problem, you tin even so follow the verbal same steps.

Data Analysis Tools

There are 15 tools you tin apply:

1. Anova

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a variance tool to develop and confirm an explanation for the observed data.

At that place are 3 types of Anova:

  • Unmarried Cistron
  • Two-Cistron With Replication
  • Two-Cistron Without Replication

2. Correlation

The correlation analysis tool provides an output table and a matrix to know whether 2 variables tend to motion together.

3. Covariance

Covariance is usually used in tandem with the correlation analysis tool specially when you accept lots of unlike measurement variables on a gear up.

4. Descriptive Statistics

This tool provides information and data about the primal tendency and variability of your data.

5. Exponential Smoothing

The Exponential Smoothing tool smooths fourth dimension-series data through an exponential window part.

6. F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

This tool tests the null hypothesis that the samples from two distributions are equal variances.

7. Fourier Analysis

The Fourier Assay tool breaks down a harmonic serial into its virtually basic components using sinusoidal functions and analyzes the periodic information.

8. Histogram

A Histogram represents the distribution of numerical data.

Starting with Excel 2016, you can create a Histogram hands without loading the Assay ToolPak.
Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

9. Moving Boilerplate

This is a technical analysis tool commonly used in sales which constantly updates the boilerplate toll. It works by unmasking the noise brought virtually by random short-term fluctuations.

x. Random Number Generation

The Random Number Generation analysis tool lets yous generate random numbers with respect to a number of variables and other options.

11. Rank and Percentile

This tool outputs a table with the ordinal and percentage rank the values in a data set.

12. Regression

This is a linear regression analysis tool that analyzes the outcome of different variables on a single dependent variable.

xiii. Sampling

The Sampling tool is useful in performing an assay of a smaller sample of your information and await for variations. It treats the input range (the sample) as a population.

14. t-Examination

The t-Test tool tests the equality of the population means in a sample.

There are three types of t-Test:

  • Paired Two Sample For Means
  • Two-Sample Bold Equal Variances
  • Two-Sample Bold Unequal Variances

15. z-Test: 2 Sample for Ways

This statistical tool is useful in testing the nix hypothesis that the population means of ii populations are different considering the variances are known the sample size is big.

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Before yous outset:

Throughout this guide, you lot need a data set to practice.

I've included one for you lot (for free).

Download it right beneath!

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How to Load the ToolPak

Loading the ToolPak is as piece of cake equally 1 two 3.

Yous literally only need 5 clicks to load the Analysis ToolPak.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto
loading the analysis toolpak in 5 clicks

To outset, click 'File' from the tab list.

file from the tab list

Open 'Excel Options' by clicking 'Options' on the left-hand sidebar.

select options from the file tab

Then, click 'Add-ins' (second to the last) on the left sidebar of the window.

click add-ins on excel option window

In hither, you lot'll come across the dissimilar application add-ins you lot currently have.

listed application add-ins in excel

What you demand to do side by side is to make sure that 'Excel Add-ins' is selected to exist managed. Then, click 'Go'.

manage excel add-ins and go

The next window shows you the Excel Add together-ins available. Check the 'Assay ToolPak' and click 'OK'.

select the add-in available and press ok

Congratulations! The Analysis ToolPak is now loaded. You can now use the unlike tools the add-in offers.

Using the ToolPak

To use a tool, click 'Data' from the tab listing.

data from the tab list

After loading the ToolPak, a new category tin can be seen on the Ribbon — Analysis.

Select 'Data Assay' in this category.

data analysis button on analysis category

If you can't observe this category, the Analysis ToolPak isn't loaded withal. Follow the instructions written to a higher place before you attempt to use the tools in the ToolPak.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto

This opens up a new window.

Select your tool of pick by clicking on it. Then, click 'OK' to utilize the tool.

select the analysis tool to load and press ok


The Data Assay ToolPak is a bang-up addition to Excel'due south default powerful tools. Yet, you accept to learn how to load it first since the ToolPak is non automatically loaded.

Likewise, the functions in the ToolPak tin just exist used on i worksheet at a time. That'south why you'll take to larn how to load this every time you need information technology.

Kasper Langmann, Co-founder of Spreadsheeto